Specialist Report / Survey

Schedule of Conditions
This report contains information about the physical condition of various common elements of a property, which sellers, buyers and lenders will be able to rely on legally as an accurate report. Unlike a survey it does not contain advice. It is prepared by an accredited Home Inspector, who may or may not also be a chartered surveyor. However, concerns raised in an HCR can be investigated further by a Chartered Surveyor who will advise you on remedial act.
Choose this report if you're buying or selling a conventional house, flat or bungalow built from common building materials and in reasonable condition. It focuses purely on the condition of the property by setting out the following: clear 'traffic light' ratings of the condition of different parts of the building, services, garage and outbuildings, showing problems that require varying degrees of attention; a summary of the risks to the condition of the building; and other matters including guarantees, planning and building control issues for your legal advisers.
An RICS Condition Report does not include a valuation, but your surveyor may be able to provide this as a separate extra service.
Snagging Report
When thinking of a new-build home, it's easy to assume that everything will be perfect, but even new-builds have problems, though at least with a new-build you are entitled to get any issues fixed, you just need to spot them first - and that's where a snagging survey comes in.